Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Alvis' Warning

My love for Him will be my demise;
To love as Alvis, is to die as stone.
Cold and brittle, tricked alone,
He knew not love in his heart.
He knew not: to be broken is to be wise.

A journey to wed Him and take
From Him all but his love,
Is my pending fate, born above.
My soul, my life will part;
Then forever on, I shall not wake.

The words spat from his Brother’s tongue
In inquiry, in test to my quality
Rapt me up in a seeming eternity.
I took to these powers, as a baby to cart,
And they, to me and squeezed my lungs.

The story once warned providence.
Alas, I boldy threw my life,
Rackishly to my foe’s knife
Taken not, my body was; behold, the rampart
Shielded me, until Dawn’s vengeance.

To Him, in want, I yielded all
But, for Him, surrendered to destiny,
Cast in stone, I shall stay eternally.
Haunted, unbroken, I, as granite,
Once did, and still stand in that dusty hall.

Monday, July 6, 2009

Rose in That Garden

I, fertile and rich,
Have all but a rose.
My fruits are plenty, and yet
I crave, still, your bloom,
Dark and beautiful,
Your stems are thick;
Roots, deep from another garden
Taunt me into a despoiled desert.
A sweet smell of pungent
Nectar wafts through my memory
On an unsettled and capricious wind;
I dream of a petal, even one dried,
Discarded in airs,
To fall onto my dirt.
My waking hours are imposed;
My fruits, abandoned.
I do not call to you, Rose,
For I, sensitive to your thorns,
Know that you are rooted.
And I unbearably graze your leaf.

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Untitled [She Haunts Me]

She haunts me.
I summon her in fear,
Though she is with me,
Inside me.
She creeps up behind my eyes
When I hide from her, my sight.
She pierces my groin
And I shudder in her touch.
The feeling of my tightening briefs
The fear of being swallowed whole,
Consumed completely in surrender
To her, makes my head spin.
In my disorientation,
I tunnel my strength
In frail attempt to rise
In Revolution against her.
I cringe and push and grab
And groan and pull and caress,
And explode. White flag, tranquil.
Only in my complete surrender
Am I liberated.
She will wait
Seducing my memories,
Calling upon her allies
And forge a strike upon me.
I crave her offense.
I need her war.
In my desire she is waking…

Untitled [In Her Aspersion]

In her aspersion,
I knew not my enemy;
However, found truth.