Monday, January 31, 2011

Break-Up Chore

Change me!
change me change me
With whispered songs or screaming bouts
Shadowed sounds: Mr. Matthews--
“We can do better than anything that we did
you know that you and me
 we can do anything”

--Unwashed dishes in stagnant sink
snakey grease-lines sunning on suds--

Hold me with shaking fingertips
and under them too--
I take my tea in other rooms
And hope that fingers shrivel or shrink away

Laptop -- laptop screen saving chores
I sit at my desk and type of hope
And love and sex and death
Anxieties crawl up like jungle gym kids
Swinging on every thought
--and Swingin’ them too

Blank black screen mirror: silhouette blink
Plum-brown dark sky outside
sip Blink sip
needing tea, another cup
 “Stand up” I plead my legs
“Stand up!”

Fin, fin about tan Tupperwares
Bulbous soap suds cling to sides
Screaming: “Save me!” The stench inside them
Around them, of them. They pop,
one             by one                        by one
I swim along to my whim
In that sticky, stink sink




Conversation on Age

“Cicadas shed skin,”
            They say, the Royal We
            “So too, will you, 
                        leave a slight trace”

Like lovers lain in adjoining tombs,
            Our mossy lips danced about jar fly songs--
            Their spittlebug buzz, and ours too.
We sat sipping wine  

Singing under orange-blue skies
            We took bets on whether sunrise
            Or sunsets -- where sea ends           
                        Or sky begins

Burgundy-black tannins slide down the sides
            --‘Til we sip some more--
            Your glass with no bottom
                        My glass with no rim

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Allegory of the Cave Discussed on a Lunch Break

Kissing whispers into’n ear--
tink tink--  of a lightful flame
Ceaseless and cool to touch.
“Just talking shop,” he says, 
but I overheard him say it too

Grease stained, grit black nailbeds--
“Don’t go getting poetical
Just bringing nothing but trouble back”
Plum plump, or tasty too
and mouthfuls and mouthfuls
Toe tripping on caveyard cracks

Matchbook strikers send sparks, and us too.
I asked
It doesn’t really matter to me or to whom shall I look