Thursday, July 29, 2010

Risks of Love

Alms of beating heart,
Hand bloody rare flesh
Appease your voracity

Taste it connoisseur
Maybe seconds come
My plate’s given pretty cheap

Monday, July 26, 2010

If But For a Moment

Unbuttoned and gritty, I laid there, comforted by the dark.
I shared secrets with you, a brochure to my past.
Your eyes held me, as they looked on.
Judgments were staved; love however cold was welcomed
I smile now, for I know that I will’ve had a held hand
If but for a Moment.

If i Only Had Three Arms

If i only had three arms to hold down the untied ends
So they wouldn’t snap up and slash.
And twelve-finger room for all my pledged rings
i need a second head to think twice as well,
And faster too.

But maybe a spare heart will do,
When I set my first one to break
It’ll beat on for a time, until I had nothing else to lose.

My new body would keep me able,
While the little one I'm in, can
Only stretch my skin too tight
Across the throat, and torso

So, I hem a seam or two
Til my thread spool runs bare, and

I spill out on the black top,
Burning hot to innard’s touch
And exposed for all to see.

Saturday, July 17, 2010

The Wise Man and the Intellect

Withered robes hung from weathered bones 
On shoulders that stretched up toward the sky 
Posture turned stiffness and the laudable notings of 
A wise man turned rancid while the youth waited for 
Something they wanted to hear Ears not touched with 
Pleasure they forgot They forgot him
How true his actions were How easily his truth was twisted. 
How silly his wisdom seemed to the minds of 
Those that dictate and think and know