Wednesday, October 21, 2009

American Haiku #7

Born unto life of struggle,
The boy takes virtue.
Beats of his heart remind him.

Monday, October 19, 2009

A Petty Little Page Poet

I am a petty page poet,
Probing for my place in this world.
I stand and spit
And beautiful words
flit from my lip.
And I fly on a high
from fleeting validations.
I float down from the stage
And land my words on that page.
My teeth gleam as my mouth is pulled tight
In what is known as a smile.
And then, the next act,
Came a man that's traveled a mile;
That one man band
conducting an orchestra,
his velum danced and
pharynx cooed.
His alveolar massaged by tongue
and larynx spewed
words of slam.
And bam.
That poet spattered insults from his teeth,
And I was
beneath his feet.
His symphony of adjectives and pronouns and verbs
Put down their horns and bows
To trade in hand for swords.
The front line, words shielded behind"S-"
Pointed blade at me.
I tell you what,
I went ape shit!
When he spit
That giant stint
"You know you can wordify anything if you just verb it..."
Then for a while, I was to sit
Under a pointed sword, with that arbitrary glint
and write, chewing and stewing over
My ballpoint pen.
I found my sojourn then
In a moment of secular clarity
And thought it was going to be me
A petty little page poet
Grappling for a splint to shield my shattered shit.
Growing and showing my talent
So, fuck the slammer
With his swords,
I, given a hammer,
Compliments to Thor,
Riddled that little Dwarf
Until that fretful dawn.
In the first light,
He let loose a yawn and turned into dust.
Down the hammer, and traded for broom,
I swept and swept and swept,
And slept.
My teeth showing as my mouth
Tightened into what some call a smile
And I laid my head down on
That wordified pillow
And clutched my pen, ballpoint at that;
Knowing that I am That petty little page poet
Putting a pedal on this
earth, And found: a validated gift,
My place in this world.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Untitled [O To You Confessed My Heart]

O, to you, confessed my heart;
Roaming, my stallion canters
And I stand still and wait
For your capricious lips to part.

I forged an effort in desperate air
And obstinately sounded for
A sign that you are pleased
Or’ve been caused despair.

Shrinking intrepidly into the distance,
Without a corral to hold it close
No master to reign and close upon
That beast of wild persistence.

Drawn from your mouth, a pungent splendor;
Flowed truth warm and breathy.
In hand is beast, roped at last
And tranquil now, and caged once more.

Saturday, October 3, 2009

Untitled [Death, Oh Death]

Death. Oh death.
It scared me once,
But holds no power now,
After I saw him kissing
You, oh you.
I welcome the flight
Far away from this heart,
Once whole and vibrant.